Bottom Hand Drill
Many young hitters suffer from a strength imbalance that throws their swing way off.
This "bottom hand" drill is a fantastic way to improve bat control... all you need is a bat,
a whiffle ball and a tee.
Here's how it works:
Start by placing a tee over the middle of the plate.
Have your hitter hold the bat using the bottom hand only.
** TIP: Use a very light bat and choke up several inches, especially when trying this drill for the first time!
For right handed hitters, grip the bat with the left hand. For left-handed hitters, use the right hand.
Next, put the free hand on the chest to avoid interfering with the swing.
Start with 2 sets of 10-15 swings per player as part of your batting practice routine.
If the whiffle ball is flying straight ahead without spinning - you'll know the hitter is making solid contact.
If the ball is slicing away with heavy spin, the hitter is probably letting her elbow ride up and producing an uppercut swing.  (sometimes known as a "chicken wing")
To fix this, focus on driving the bat down toward the ball.
This will produce a clean, level swing - getting the bat head on the plane of the incoming pitch as soon as possible... and keeping it there as long as possible.
It's very natural for hitters to feel weak and uncoordinated while performing this drill.
But after a few dozen swings, they will start to develop the coordination and see very rapid improvements.