Fantastic drill to develop a Pitcher's Toughness
By: Cindy Bristow
Being a dominating pitcher requires a lot of different skills. Things like control, speed and movement are all vital to a pitcher's success. But what about mental toughness? It plays a HUGE role in a pitcher either bearing down under pressure or breaking down as a result of it. Learn a great drill to help your pitchers practice their mental and physical toughness.

We all know that pitching isn't easy, but what things make it so hard? The motion itself isn't that complicated, although we sure teach it like it is. To me, what makes pitching so challenging are the conditions under which you pitch. It's the pressure of the moment, the need to be excellent on EVERY play and not just most plays, and the ability to be tough. Practicing toughness is something we often leave out of our pitcher's daily routines, so check out a drill that can change that.

If you're looking for a way to improve your pitcher's mental and physical toughness then this Pitch Back Drill should really do the trick:

NOTE: The Plank position is when you lie down flat on the ground, face first. Then prop yourself up on your forearms and your toes keeping your body flat like a plank of wood. Holding this position requires a lot of stomach and torso muscles.