The "GUT BUSTER" Drill
The Gut Buster Drill is a great drill that forces the hitter to take the correct bat path to the ball.

Procedure: Batter grips the bat at the base of the barrel half-way up the bat. The batter will execute all swings using this grip.

Method: The batter will swing the bat half- speed at first to get the "feel" of the correct "short and compact" swing. Gripping the bat at the half- way point forces the batter to drive the bat knob toward the ball to clear the body during the swing.

Coaching Tips:This is a great method to teach a short and compact swing. My team uses this grip for 10 or 12 reps daily during my team's Hit2win hitting stick drills or during soft-toss.

Caution your players to take half-speed swings at first. They can swing full-speed after they have the correct motion mastered. The drill's name "Gut Buster" come from a batter's failure to "clear" the knob. Improper swing technique by the batter will drive the knob of the bat into the gut.